Thursday, October 27, 2011


Had a great time last night with my boo and my bestie CeCe and he boo kite...I love these guys we had a blast playing video games.....we played mortal combat the new version all night til I fell asleep on everyone.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall is here!!!

Im so excited, Fall is finally here. I love Fall because the weather is cool and warm so i get a mixture of all the season in one but I love it. Im also excited because today is the first day of the Fair YAY!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Almost There

I am getting close to my firefighter job I passed my PT and my Assesment and now I just had my Standin Review and I think I did a good job. So firefighter class here I come.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I love to wear aero. Its just this laid back style that never faids. I wear aero like everyday its just so comfortable and rugged.

Feeling Empty

Has anyone ever felt so empty? I feel empty sometimes even though I have posssibly need. I have a job, I go to school and I have a significant other and I still feel empty. School is the first thing I have to report to in the morning then I have to go to work right after; I work alot too. So most of my day is spent at work, and around 9:30 I head home to sleep. I think sometimes that I might feel empty because I have the same routine everyday and nothing changes. Maybe I need some excitement.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ugh guys!!!!

Im in a kinda relationship; I know it sounds weird. Its just he acts so demanding and im scard to say I will be your girlfriend even though it seems like were already go together. Well now he has this uncle in the hospital who he says is on his death bed, and I asked him could I come with him so I could be there him since he's always saying Im never there for me. Which I feel im always there for him but he keeps saying no you dont have to come because i dont want to you to see me crying. Well he took his friend whos a guy out there with him last time so i said you rather let a guy see you cry than a girl. He said yea which is so stupid, what guy wants another guy to see him cry?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Did I Grow Up To Fast?

Have you ever felt like you had to grow to fast? Well I feel like I had to grow up entirely to fast. I grew up in a house with 10 people including me. My mother was gone most of time so I had to cook and clean because I was the second oldest. My older sis helped also but I always felt like I wasnt suppose to do all the those things so soon. Now I am glad I learned so early because I know how to do everything.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What's the meaning behind Lady Firefighter?

Well the meaning behind the name lady fighter is obvious, but if you would like to know how it came about I'll tell you. As I grew older I have always wanted to help someone whether it be in the medical or teaching someone. When I got in college, I thought I had made up my mind, "I wanted to be a pharmacist." Well like I said before thats what I thought I wanted, but things dont always go like we want so I changed my major. I started taking classes to work in Hemo Dialysis, and I worked in that field for a lil while to get over my fear of blood and needles, but everything is not for everybody. So I started a new trade "EKG" I liked doing this but my problem was staying awake because of the shifts they gave me. I tried to adjust but it didnt work out. Now im at a point in my life where I want to do something exciting. I work for a jewelry store and its ok, but its just something about waking up to call for HELP!!! Running to someones rescue and being able to say, "I risked my life to save you and I dont evn know you." I also just want to be able to wear the uniform, "There's just something about a women in uniform.:):):)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Have you ever been so tired? Well just to let everyone who reads this know...I am! I have class everyday, three as a matter a fact then I have work right after class. Sometimes I wish that I didnt have to go to school, most of the time I wish that I didnt have to go work but things dont always happen like we want. Even though I feel doing these things give me a sense of responsiblity, they make me very tired of doing anything.